Saturday, July 28, 2018

Migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2: Benefits and opportunities

Do you know about benefits of migration to Magento 2? Possible you readed many articles and developers’ answers. Here you will take insider information how to start the moving from Magento 1 to Magento 2 in less painful way.

You made decision to move from Magento 1.x to Magento 2.x. So... what about your benefits and opportunities?

Critical thinking give your ecommerce site really opportunities

What about features of Magento 2? Well, you could read something like this:
Easier upgrades and maintenance – A modern and modular architecture empowers functionality provided by Magento 2, that provides scope and flexibility. (I got it from it isn’t hidden ad. I assume it is the wright way to specify the sources).
This is enough good point. You could read poor points like “Magento 2 faster than Magento 1”.
What do this info give you? Nothing.
You must know that majority part of developers aren’t technical specialists. Because they don’t use critical thinking. But you must do it.
If you turn the critical thinking on, you will take really usefull information. You need to ask proper questions.
What is easier upgrade? Do will you spend less money? How many working hours will you or developers spend? Can do senior developer upgrade the platform? Or person with less tech skills can do the upgrade to next version.
If you spend less money for upgrade or maintenance, you will get good ROI ot more profit. Obviously, expenses depends on many things as the number of extensions, customizations, hosting, etc. But you need the answer in any case.

You can’t measured some things like tech trends or new version PHP by money. But these things are understandable.
You need to ask powerful questions. Don’t hesistate and you will take answers. Answers will give you opportunities.
Of course, many developers will tell you something like this: “We don’t know because we haven’t this info...” or “Magento won’t support Magento 1”. These are bad answers and these are poor developers. Do you remeber that developers think about working hours only?

In next post I will tell about risks of migration to Magento 2 from Magento 1.

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